Craft Weekend and Bull Sale in Red Bluff

This weekend was our "First Annual Heff/Simo Family Girls Craft Weekend" :) Jannie, Mare, Kat, Francie, Claire, Cathleen, Margaret and Aunt Francy all met up in Red Bluff with our knitting/sewing/embroidery projects for a weekend of crafts. Tom, Brian, and Ronan were good sports to observe, Heff had a lot of time to duck hunt as it is the last weekend of Duck Season and my Dad drove up Saturday night for dinner with the whole crowd.

Aunt Francie and Jannie starting their knitting

A table full of projects

Jane Flynn came with her knitting too

Katherine and Donald who came for dinner and endured the projects!

There were lots of sweaters, hats, scarves and baby things completed this weekend

We bundled up Friday and went for a walk to Cathleen and Rick's new house next door that is very close to being finished... Francie fell asleep on the house tour and napped on the floor in her Lillebaby papoose all afternoon

Every baby's favorite toy... a plastic bag

"I love my elephant!"

Ronan reading the big book with mom

Friday night we played Beth Carter's favorite game "LCR" or left-right-center

Tom saved the day with a stock pile of ones he found in his desk

Francie says "Give me a dot!"

The twins, not like they dress alinke or anything

The pot.. $36 bucks isn't bad! Cathleen won round won then I took home the pot the second time around :)

Baby Francie and Aunt Francy

Tom and his grand-daughter hanging out Saturday morning

Oma and Francie bundled up for the Bull Sale

Dad waiting for the crowd to get moving

"I want to go to the Bull Sale NOW!"

Nothing like shopping at the Fairgrounds!

Francie and a big old bull

Dad helping carry around our shopping goodies

A bull on his way to his new home

Jannie and Marge

Relaxing back home with Dad in her new hat

And she's out for the count...

Saturday night we went to the Bull Sale Rodeo ALL BY OURSELVES without Francie-pants! We felt just fine leaving Francie in the capable hands of BOTH sets of grandparents :) Considering Donald treated us to VIP seats in the front row, eye level with the bulls it was probably a good idea we left her at home :)

An Angry bull after dumping his rider

Kat and Donald