Trailer Trash Baby

We were up in Red Bluff Friday night for a benefit concert for Mercy starring the "Trailer Park Troubadours" and we dressed in theme for the party of course. Our trailer park baby wore my old Osh Kosh B'Gosh overalls with worn-though holes and all. The bands were really good and we got to catch up with the whole Red Bluff crew... they are all so much fun! My brother Jerry came too, he got into Red Bluff towards the end of the concert but tagged along for the after-party at the Palomino Room (THE bar in Red Bluff:) Poor Francie really was a trailer trash baby, hung out on her Dad's hip all night and I carried her out of the bar, asleep, when we left the Palomino Room after midnight. Bad parents :) But she is a trooper!

The girls decked out (Weber's creative camera work)

Heff with Brendon, Kristie and the babe

Tyler covered in lipstick smooches... wanna plant one on him too Francie?

Heff, Mare, Trish and Francie

Aunt Kat and Francie-Doodle saying "where are you guys dragging me now?"

Heff and his little girl

Mary and Liz... love the curlers :)

Greg and Trish with their pink flamingo lawn art

Leaving the pre-party for the concert at the old Theater down the street

The Trailer Park Troubadours

Francie loving the music from the front of the theater (it got a little loud so we gave her a break)

Uncle Jerry showed up for the after-party at the Palomino Room! He is going on a Pheasant Hunt with Heff early tomorrow morning so we get him in Red Bluff for the weekend :)