Francie's New Smile

Francie says "I got me some new teeth Ma"! (Hilarious pacifier from Heff's good friend Johnny :) We love it!)

Francie did just fine after her shots and had lots of friends over to visit last night...

Jen just moved home from New York! She came over for dinner and to catch up, we haven't had a chance to hang out in so long and had lots to talk about.

The Ryans stopped by for a visit last night too... we love hearing Will and Anna open the mail slot and yell "HEFF!" They are so cute and getting big too, Anna was 6 months old when I met Haff and one of our first dates was babysitting them :) Will and Anna wanted some "beers" like their Dad so I filled a couple emptys with water for the boozers

Jannie and Kelly stopped by after dinner. They are on their way to Nashville tomorrow morning to visit Baby Ann... wish we could join you girls!