Francie loves Red Bluff

We had a lots of fun and a busy Saturday and Sunday in Red Bluff...

Francie got a few cooking lessons from Oma in the Baby Bjorn :)

Heff and Jerry came home from a day of pheasant and duck hunting with a cooler full of birds... cleaning them was quite a process but we'll have a yummy duck dinner this week!

Francie loved playing in Ronan's "exersaucer" she is just big enough for her toes to reach the floor on the lowest setting. It was cute to see her play :)

We went out on the ranch Sunday with Greg, Trish, Trish's brothers, the Christensens and the Flynns. It was a clear, crisp day and fun to be outside with Francie in one of our favorite places. We were remembering that it was two years ago this weekend Heff and I were out there when he proposed to me :) ... and now we have a Francie-doodle!

Mom and Francie checking out the spectacular views

Mary Christensen with the kids in their very cool off-road Jeep

We hit a few road blocks, lots of trees fallen in the winds last week!

Francie bundled up with her friends Eva and Madeline

and chillin' in her lawn chair, just her size!

Kisses for Mom

Mary C. and the little girls by the river (or "lake" as Eva called it)

The whole crowd hanging out on Edwards Ranch... we are lucky they share this place with us :)

Furrow that brow Francie-pants :)

The Heffs

Madeline helping Haley over the river

Hanging out with Dad

Funny-girl Francie laughing and sticking her tongue out!

Mary and Haley

Madeline packing heat while Spencer helps Tyler build a fire

The kids know where the snacks are hidden

Tyler, Mary, Hank and Haley

Jer.. you missed the Rockets! Tyler brought a stash of model rockets which kept us all entertained for awhile

"Where the heck did that one go?"

Francie loves going "way up in the air!" now

Only in Red Bluff. :) Greg shot a quail and the kids made it their pet. "Queenie" as they named it was quite popular and the kids had to share the bird that the "bad, mean guys shot" until they realized they could probably ask the "bad, mean guys" to shoot another one for them.

Happiness is... plenty of dead birds to go around.

Kisses for Quennie

"I'm not kissing that thing"

More dead animal fun... Hank found a dead "rib cage"

Worn out in the jeep after all that fun

We drove home Friday evening and found a fun surprise for Francie waiting for us from Jerry and Georgia Carter.. her very own brand new Baby Einstein Exersaucer! We put it together right away and she LOVED it. Her face was so cute when we first showed it to her, her eyes lit up and she was shaking her arms and legs and making noises. So fun to see her reactions :) THANKS Carters!