Party in Francie's Room!

They moved us into a great private room Thursday afternoon, just in time for visiting hours and a big party for Francie! Heff went to Andronico's to stock up on some snacks and wine for Francie's visitors. We loved our new room and having a little more space to enjoy being new parents and to share her with the family.

"Am I related to all of these people?"

Jannie calming Francie

Cousin Emmy must have pinched the baby:)

Everyone loves Baby Francie!

James and Em back for a visit after work

A "leisure suit" for Francie from her God-father

The Carter's with the Johnets

Jannie squeezing in with HER baby :)

Uncle Jerry and Allison meet Francie (they drove all the way down Tuesday night and just missed visiting hours... despite their best efforts to sneak by security they settled for pictures at dinner with the rest of the family)

Dad pacified the troops with good wine and his daughter with a pinky finger

All that partying wore me out...