Friday hanging out with Mom & Dad

Mary Frances at three days old

Our last official day in the hospital, most of it we spent just hanging out and getting to know Francie. The standard stay for a c-section is four nights and we could have gone home Friday night if we wanted to... but I was surprised to like our stay in the hospital! I told Heff it was kind of like being at summer camp, you can go down the hall to breastfeeding classes (I know, me and my classes:), you get to pick you food for every meal (and it was for the most part good food!), people come and visit you and there are all these other people there in the exact same situation you are with babies the EXACT same age! There were even two other couples we knew (both fathers I went to grammar school with) on the floor with newborns. So we followed protocol and Heff weathered yet another night in the reclining chair.

Daddy and his "lovey"

Mom snuggling with Francie

Smiling in her sleep (dreaming of passing gas Francie?:)

Mary and Francie getting some "hospital exercise" together (Thanks for the pretty tulips Jerry and Georgia!)

Dad is a PRO at changing diapers! Here with one of many of the great nurses who took good care of all of us

Our friend Johnny brought a pasta dinner and cute gift for Francie... he also gave her a Binky from that makes her look like she has huge red lips and buck teeth!

Dad attempting to do some work... but he couldn't stop starring at Francie and didn't get more than a few pages done :)

Jannie came to let Heff run home for a shower and some errands... she can't stay away from Francie (unless she's shopping for pink things or whipping up pink blankets, quilts, hats and booties!)

I love my Kissy Kissy outfit from my Oma