Day One

Francie met her pediatrician Dr. Cisco first thing Wednesday morning (Dr. Cisco was my pediatrician too!) He came to the hospital to give her the once over and make sure she was as healthy as she looked. We feel so lucky to have Dr. Cisco's calm, reassuring advice and to know Francie is in good hands.

Francie slept on her mom or her dad's chest most of the night and was fussy on and off as she learned how to breath, sneeze, cough, hiccup, nurse and open her eyes in the real world. We joked the hospital is kinda like Vegas (well, only kinda:) in that you have no idea if it's day or night, especially since we were in a double room the first two nights and had the very small "side" near the door. Our neighbor kept the shutters closed all day and night so we learned to keep our curtain open to the hallway in the day to watch the goings on in the hospital and close it at night to sleep :)

Dad is his chair-bed with new baby Francie

14 hours old

The grandmothers couldn't wait to come back and see Francie in the morning... but only after a quick stop at Neiman-Marcus for some PINK "Kissy Kissy" outfits!

You can's have a baby without See's Candy!

The Arnerich Sisters... Grannie Jannie, Great Aunt Kaky and Great Aunt Mimi

Great Aunt Kaky holds Sweet Baby Francie

Great Uncle John and Great Aunt Kim came for a visit

My Dad, the proud new Grandpa (who took the WHOLE day off work Tuesday in anticipation of Baby Francie... Jannie says he never even did this for his own kids!)

Francie on Mom's lap