Weekend in the Menlo Oaks Compound

We had a great weekend with almost all of the Heffernan's in town (plus some Cahill cousins!) and all of the Simo kids at home. Craig and Andrea brought Baby Isabel up from LA to meet everyone and stayed at the "Hotel Jan and John" taking over the third floor with Aunt Cathleen, Claire and Tom stayed across the street at Mark and Sarah's house and Margaret and Baby Ronan shacked up at Aunt Kat's new place just a few blocks away. Heff and I had the longest commute home at six blocks away! My siblings were all in town too for Jill Carter's wedding and the wedding events too so we had lots of meals and enjoying the sunny weekend together.

Hanging out Sunday at Lunch at the Johnets (Cathleen, Jan and Claire)

Baby Ann home from Vandy for a few days... next time she see's me I'll hopefully be a mom!

John and Jan

The Heffernan's

Craig, Andrea and Beautiful Baby Isabel

Baby Ronan, almost 4 months old, on Mom (Cousin Margaret)

Isabel smiling!

The Mom's and their wee ones

... and with Oma and Nana

Mare and Ann

Last picture of the reigning "Baby of the Family" taken at the Simonsons!

Aunt Kat with her smiling Godson Ronan

Ronan at Sunday Night Dinner at our house trying out Cletus's gear!