Jill's Wedding

Our good friend Jill Carter got married this weekend! She is the youngest of the three Carter kids and grew up three doors down from us on Menlo Oaks. Her wedding was Saturday night at the Carter's house and was a beautiful evening, the Heffernan's were BBQ'ing at Mark and Sarah's house directly across the street so we had fun checking in with them during the wedding... they could even hear Beth's Maid-of-Honor speech and the band from their house! Jill looked beautiful and it was a fun weekend of events to celebrate with her.

Mare and Baby Ann at the Bridesmaid Luncheon Friday

Beth and Jill at the Luncheaon

Jan and "Aunt Jo"

Rehearsal Dinner... James and Bethy with one of the triplets

Are you old enought to be drinking that champagne Baby Ann?

James and Em

The Wedding! Jill & Jason Luker

Ann and Heff with a cousin's Baby Noah (Heff kept getting mad bc the photographer thought Ann was his wife and taking their picture:)

Mare and Bethy (She gave the best Maid-of-Honor speech for Jill!)

Mare and Heff

Checking in at The Heffernan Compound across the street

James and Em

On the Dance Floor

And with the Bride... Congrats Jill!