36 Weeks

This week has flown by and I haven't blogged! Heff and I have both been busy at work, trying to get lots of things taken care of before the arrival of Baby Heff. I am hiring some new staff at Academic Trainers and Brilliant Babies, getting some new programs put together, our brochures and registration forms ready and getting the center all set for a new school year. Heff has had lots of new clients coming in and been really busy too, I am so proud of him for going out on his own and doing so well balancing the many facets of self-employment, it's so nice to have so much flexibility.

We had another Bradley class this week and to practice breathing through contractions the guys held big ice packs under our arms! Ouch... but I'm sure the real ones will be a lot worse than that! We really like the other four couples in the group and have fun at the classes. I gave Heff (well, both of us!) a hall pass for the remaining two hospital childbirth classes since it seems very much like what we learned in Bradley anyway. That means we only have TWO more classes to go!

We have a busy weekend coming up with the Heffernan's in town and a good friends wedding. Claire and Tom and coming down with Brian's Aunt Cathleen, Cousin Margaret and Baby Ronan and Craig and Andrea are driving up from LA with Baby Isabel! My brothers will be home (all the way from their condo in the city) and Baby Ann is coming back from Nashville after 3 whole days at college for the wedding. With Brian's brother Mark and his fiance Sarah just moved in across the street from my parents and Kat halfway bewteen their house and our house... we'll have 6 out of 7 siblings and both sets of parents here for a fun weekend! (Margaret can stand in for Maureen:) We're so lucky to both have great familes close by who get along with each other too.