35 Weeks!

Time is flying by and we are getting ready to meet Baby Heff, only 37 days until the due date! This week we got our stroller (The Bugaboo, after much debate) and a few more things for the baby's room... not to mention lots of adorable gifts from family and friends! My mom started a great collection of books for us including all of my favorites, which Heff remembered from when he was little too! My favorite "Tony's Hard Work Day" is the original copy and Heff's favorite, no surprise, is "What Do People Do All Day?" We are waiting for our rocker/glider from Pottery Barn, but other than that the nursery should be ready to welcome a baby...

Trying out the new baby tote after baby class Thursday night

Lots of books for Baby Heff!

Heff after he put together the stroller for me... it had a lot of parts we had backwards :)