Francie's First Carter-Simo Dinner

Francie attended her first (of many!) Carter-Simo dinners Saturday night. The Carters live a few houses down from us and have three kids who are all right in between me and my siblings... when we moved to the neighborhood it was:
Ryan Carter (8th grade)
Mary (6th)
Bethy Carter (5th)
James (4th)
Jill Carter (3rd)
Jerry (2nd)
Baby Ann (Pre-school)
We carpooled and played together for a lot of years and always had Carter-Simo Sunday night dinners... they aren't as frequent now but we still have a great time when we get together. Bethy, Georgia and Jill made this banner for Francie! What a lucky girl :)

Francie was hanging out in the bean bag watching football (with Uncle Jerry's beer)

Bethy and Francie

Jill, Beth, Mare and the newest addition

Francie napping with Ruby

Jason and Jill ("The Lukers" married last summer!) with Jannie


The night wouldn't have been complete without some gambling... here is Jill after the first "Left-Right-Center" game she won

Sisters (but Jill's not sharing those winnings with Beth)

Georgia works her grandma magic to get Francie to sleep

Another round of LCR and it's time for poker

Beth in all her glory