Christmas in San Francisco

We spent Friday night in San Francisco with the whole family for our annual Pre-Christmas overnight at the St. Francis. It is always an adventure with 24+ aunts, uncles, cousins and now a new generation with Baby Francie! We pre-partied in Unlce Jerry's room (picture above) and then had dinner at Sam's, a table for all of us and the same waiter we have every year (he probably doesn't share the same affection for us). We woke up Saturday for Christmas shopping and then headed home to get ready for the parties to follow!

Love this shot before everyone was ready... Baby Ann loves her niece Francie, just not when she cries, fusses or needs a diaper change :)

The Jerrys and their festive drinks

Madness in the elevator!

The table for 24 at Sam's

Everybody loves Francie... she was passed around the table a few times

Emmy and Claire at "the kids table" (Someday girls:)

Johners (who turns 21 in 10 days, not that that stopped him...) and Baby Ann

James in his famous Sam's pose with a very tolerant Em

Time for some late night shopping! The guys ditched us for the Cigar Bar and we hit the stores

Francie says "I know I like to stay up late and party.. but this is seriously past my bedtime mom."

Morning coffee break in the lobby

Francie says "Do these people ever stop? Give a baby a break."

The guys went to breakfast (more importantly Bloody Marys) at Lefty O'Douls while the girls hit the stores

The Heffs headed home to unpack the shopping damages and head to the next event