Mary Frances is Christened

We baptized Mary Frances today (December 23, 2007) at The Church of The Nativity. It was 18 months ago we were married at Nativity by Mosignor Otellini but it seems like yesterday we were there with many of the same friends and family. It felt so special to have Francie up there on the alter and to see everyone there to be a part of her christening. Jannie and John had a reception at their house afterwards with 75+ of our closest friends and family :) It was our usual Christmas Day crowd so this year we'll forego the big Christmas Day party and enjoy a more quiet day with just the Simo's. (We still have everyone over to Jannie and Johns for Christmas Eve tomorrow night to look forward to and a three-day Christmas fest at the Heffernans... get your swap gifts ready cousins!) Thanks to everyone who shared in our special day for Francie and congrats on being a Catholic MaryFrances Borchard Heffernan :)

In the slip Oma made especially for Francie's big day!

Can Dad get those buttons in? :)

Dressing Francie for her first sacrament... she wore the family heirloom dress that Tom's father wore almost 100 years ago! It was beautiful on her. Uncle Jerry looks on to make sure we got it under control

Monsignor Otellini baptizes Mary Frances

Good job Francie!

The Heffernan's here to celebrate Francie's Baptism

The proud god-parents Katherine and James... Francie is lucky to have these two looking out for her

Brian and Francie with Tom who wore this gown for his christening too... it meant a lot to us to be able to use this Heffernan family heirloom for Francie

With the Grandparents too, we took more formal portraits here than we did at our wedding!

That was easy enough...

Uncle Jerry and Allison outside the church

James and Em

Francie sporting the "Matinee Jacket" Jannie knit her just for her special day

The knitting fools, I mean grandmothers Oma and Jannie

Uncle Mark and Aunt Sarah spoiling Sophie

Jannie with the other knitting machine Sarah Coogan and Molly Coogan (thanks for being there today girls)

Francie pulled a Britney and had a few wardrobe changes for the party... Aunt JoAnne made this dress for my baptism almost 30 years ago!

Georgia, Jill, Baby Ann, Mimi, Bethy and Em

Uncle Jerry and his fan club! All the younger cousins... Luke, Austin, Riley, Joey, Drew, James, Ella and Francie

And big cousin Mandy with the crowd again on the stairs

"Does this party ever end?"

The Carter girls and a Heff accessory

Jannie, Mare and Kat

Emmy, Claire and Ann

"Check out my new rattle... it's vintage Tiffany's from my Jannie" ;)

"I hope you guys sanitized this thing..."

The Heiser kids with Francie "Oh!"

Thanks for throwing a great party Jannie (and Grandpa John too!)