Christmas Tea

We had a Christmas Tea Tuesday afternoon for Babies, Moms and Grandmothers at Jannie's house for a little pre-holiday celebration. We had a great group of cute kids and their moms and grandmoms for tea, cookies and treats. There was even had a very special surprise visit from Santa! It was fun to play with the kids and babies and hopefully we'll make it a tradition and see them all growing up every year :)

Arlene with her daughter Molly (Nancy in the next picture!) and grand-daughters Emelia and Sofia

Nancy with Joe and Whitney

Midge with her daughter Laura and grand-daughter Ayla

Triplet Grandma Georgia with her next favorite baby Francie :)

Alexis and James

Our youngest guest, Baby Landry is only 10 days old! Here with her mom Kelli and stand-in Auntie Mary Morey

Sofia loving Baby Landry

We had a very special visitor... Santa! Here with Joe

Jannie and Peggy (Santa's little helper:)

Emelia telling Santa what she wants for Christmas this year

Francie sits on Santa's lap for the first time

Baby Ann's flight got in just in time to make an appearance!

Whitney is not so sure about this Santa thing...

she take the Gingersnaps and the train over Santa

Wes sleeping through his visit :)

Leo loving Santa

Little Landry

Estelle telling Santa for Christmas she wants that Binky back

Molly and her girls (Sofia liked to say "Bye-bye Santa" better than talking to him while her was here:)

Jannie and her train were a big hit with the little kids

We're so glad Baby Ann is home for break! (Francie says, "Enough with those pictures mom... I'm hanging out with my Auntie")

Thanks Santa and Jannie!