Francie Sleeps-over at the Johnets!

Heff has been on a hunt in Montana this week so we've been shacking up at the Johnets. We've had a bust week with playdates and lunches and a little working too. Francie has been great, getting bigger everyday and she found her thumb this week too!

Francie and Jannie

Napping in the bassinet while Jannie and Mary were busy sewing and embroidering away :)

We made "Merry Christmas" onesies for all of our friends at playgroup

On Monday Jannie took Francie to her needlepoint group luncheon while I worked for a little while re-doing the office space for the new semester. Francie had fun with all the ladies. Carol and Carla did the beautiful flowers for our wedding a year and a half ago... hard to believe we have a Francy-pants now!!! Here is Francie with the needlepointers

"I hope Jannie's making something for me..."