Moms and Babes

We had a playdate Wednesday with five other babies at a friend's house. It was fun to hangout and relax with the other moms and babies... we had yummy snacks and some yummy cocktails too :) The babies range in age from 7 weeks (two of them born 1 hour apart!) to almost 5 months... it seems like a huge age span now but I'm sure by this time next year they'll all seem the same age. We've met a lot of nice moms through the Moms and Baby Groups... there are activities, lunches, walks and classes you could potentially join in everyday of the week. It keeps us entertained and busy, especially since we have "playdates" with Jannie most days too! Here are Francie and some of her little friends.

Francie (not so sure what's going on!) and Asher

Baby Wes in his cute Baby Scrubs!

Francie and the boys, Leo and Asher

Love the looks on their faces!

Wes (7 weeks), Leo (18 weeks), Francie (12 weeks), Asher (16 weeks) and Estelle (7 weeks)... Aliza (14 weeks)