These Are a Few of My Favorite Things...

I think every mom has a few things they feel like they can't live without...
so far, these are mine:


Francie (and most of the babies in our Mommy/Baby Group) love this toy. It has a spiral black-and-white back Francie loves to laugh at and for some reason it keeps her occupied for a lot longer than some of her other toys :)

You can get it at DayOne or most baby stores but has it in this or the "girly" heart shaped pink one.

The Lillebaby EuroTote Carrier

We sometimes put Francie to sleep in this comfy little sleeping bag/carrier... she seems to like to be snuggled in it and when we travel it is an easy-to-haul, familiar place for her to sleep. It can also be used as a carrier (kinda like a baby in a purse!) and a snuggler for the jogging stroller or bassinet. and available at other online stores too


Franice really only likes this "Soothie" style pacifier (also known as the "hospital kind") This crazy contraption helps keep it in her mouth when she's in the carseat or stroller and makes it a whole lot easier to find in the diaper bag or around the house. We call it a BinkyFriend :) and available other places online

The Infant Lounger by Boppy

We used this a lot when she was a newborn, it's SO comfy for Francie to lay in and seemed better than the traditional U-shaped Boppy since it doesn't have the hole in the middle and has a softer filling. It was also great for me to have on my lap or behind me while lounging on the couch! or Target

VeryBaby Cloth Diapers

My Sister-in-law maureen made us a whole set of these, they are a good break from disposables to let Francie's tush breath when we are home for diaper changes. We really only use about one a day, but they make a difference! I've tried the gDiapers and as cute as they are, they just don't work very well :) Maybe when she's a little bigger.

The Gymini

Her smile says it all :) or you can buy it locally at DayOne in Palo Alto

Amazon Prime Membership (can you tell?)

For $79/year Amazon will 2-Day ship anything from their site for free or OVERNIGHT SHIP for $3.99. I think I came out ahead on that one... the UPS man at my office told the girls to "cut me off" :)

Francie's collection of hand-knit clothing, blankets and accessories!

Thanks to Jannie, Oma, Aunt JoAnn, Carmen and Sarah Coogan!

NOT available at you'll have to ask your favorite grandmother or knitting friend :)


And last but not least, what would the first 84 days of Francie's life be like without proper documentation!

The Canon 30D