Francie Goes to the Ritz

We went up to San Francisco Saturday night for our "annual" Christmas overnight at the Ritz, it was the third year Heff and I have gone up but the first with little Francie! We met the Flynns and Forsbergs (from Red Bluff) for a great dinner at The House of Prime Rib and lots of cocktails. We did a little shopping and just hung out at the hotel for tea, champagne and a Vince Vaughn sighting! It got us in the Christmas spirit and was so much fun to share with Francie :)

The Heffs

Francie enjoying the good life. The Baby Journal book and Ritz-Carlton bib were in the room when we checked in, Francie must have told them she was coming :)

Hanging out with Dad

Heading out to dinner

Drinks with Dad in the lounge... right before Vince Vaughn walked in :) I wanted to take a picture of him but Heff wouldn't let me, he thought it would be tacky :) Sorry Francie, your Dad denied you your first celebrity sighting documentation!

Brendon, Brian, and Kristie

Liz and Eric

The Girlies

Sleep Tight Francie-pants!