Harnessing Water

The second day (on the first trip up - I'm slow blogging these) the girls woke up EARLY in pj's at the Etna motel so we could meet the contractor at 7am. It was a cold morning and they stayed in their PJ's all day! We explored out on the pastures, checking out the fences and the water diversions... since that's what you do when you have a ranch :) Heff and the girls found a spot the water was pooling and dug out so it would flow into the irrigation ditch instead of pooling. In an hour they had the water filling over 100 yards down! It was neat to see them understand the power of what they were doing, especially in a drought!

Go JJ, go.

Tiny started playing in the mud...

But wasn't too happy about it!

Dad and his buddy working side by side.

Nice pic on Maisie cam! :)

They got the water half way down the ditch... nice work girls.

Moose's first time in the water. He couldn't figure it out at first and pawed at the stream then we couldn't get him out!