First Family Day on The Ranch

Back at the ranch!

Some "real" (aka non-iPhone photos) of the ranch! These are from the last time we were up there- the first time it was "ours" and with all four kids. Lots of exciting possibility, lots of work and... lots of fun ahead!  


Here we are checking out the "Little House" - most of it cleared out and some stuff left on the front porch.

View from the front porch - Francie already exploring.

Tiny making her way through the bigger bedroom

Maisie in the "kids room" (it's tiny!)

Crazy kids! Showing off their moves in the kitchen.

and sweet Maisie in her hunting jacket

and crazy J. (in case you can't tell the kids were taking these pictures of each other)

This is the main/living room in the little house (where we'll probably spend lots of cozy time! :)

and the kitchen "before".... after is in the works!

Heff measuring for the remodel (good memories to when we re-did our McKendry kitchen!)

even has our own "gas station" - haha.

The girls ventured outside to see what trouble they could get into... overturned water tup is always fun.

helping JJ squat for a pee - break... but no love for a Mom picture as thanks!? geez, JJ.

But Maisie obliged, sweet girl :)

and then Francie had to get in on the action... 

Please JJ??  Nope.

still got my Tiny.

Headed back to the house. I guess the risk of letting your 4 year old use your big camera pays off with pictures I am actually in to remember these days :)

another Maisie shot of the Old Hay Barn

Tailgate lunch - taco bell leftovers and chips, yum.

"You talking to me?"

Sisters on the roof - playing "kitty house" or something.

Apparently the truck is a good climbing structure

Clouds rolling in... girls headed back to the hay barn

Our pole barn... gonna need to fill it with some hay before we get our cattle!

Happy girls on the ranch - makes me happy too! Love this picture of Francie.

and cute Maisie

more pictures with Mom while the kids steal the camera

The girls went exploring while Heff was talking hay (um, and probably hunting. that's what they do up here). The girls found this cool old bridge right behind our house and were thrilled to forge their own new trail.

Maisie's new thing is to put her hands in her back pockets - but only when she is wearing cowboy boots, obviously.

They hiked over a trail up there and Maisie called to me to come "MOM! I found the more beautiful view on the wanch!"

Sun doing down on the Marble Mountain Wilderness

and sunset sky on our way to town for dinner