Dreams Happen was a Success!

We had a great event on Saturday night at the Dreams Happen Playhouse Auction and raised lots of money for Rebuilding Together. We had a fun group of guests joning us for the evening and although Brian and I did not go home with a playhouse for our backyard, our friends made up for it and took home three! The event started with a VIP reception at Williams-Sonoma Home, then drinks in the courtyard at Stanford Shopping Center... I was busy selling raffle tickets while everybody mingled around to check out the playhouses. After dinner we staked out the last row of seats and were a busy section during bidding! Heff welcomed everyone to the event and then passed the microphone on to Diane Dwyer, the NBC news anchor, who announced to all 500 guests, "Did you all know he met his wife here last time! Where are you wife?!" It was pretty funny :) The Playhouses went for $14-56K and the autioneer did a great job keeping it going quickly and getting people to raise those paddles. After the auction we danced to the "Cheeseballs" and everyone was happy to report there were no glitches and the event had gone well. Heff and I had so much fun remembering just two years ago, being there and meeting, talking and even dancing together for the first time... I knew that night I had met my husband and I am so lucky just 2 years later to be married to him and expecting our baby in 3.5 months!

Heff kicking off the event and turning the stage over to Diane Dwyer.

Some of our friends who joined us... We had so much fun!

Emily and her mom Marla

Anne and Heff after the bidding closed!