
On Sunday Heff and I had a very unbusy day after Dreams Happen. We took my mom and Kat to breakfast at Scott's for Bloody Mary's (I wish) and then went to the polo fields to try and sell one of my horses to an old friend who plays down in SLO. I haven't played polo in over a year so it was weird to be back, but I am pretty sure polo is behind me... it's much more fun to hang out with my husband on Sundays and even though I couldn't play being pregnant, it's a little too dangerous to play as a mom so I'll stick to riding them around the orchards in Red Bluff. It was fun to see everyone and smell the horses :)

It was a really nice day so we decided to put a pool in the backyard for some lounging time... yep, you can see from the picture it's a pretty high-class pool! Heff even went to Target with me on a Sunday and spent $9.99 to keep me happy :) We were entertained all afternoon by our awful dogs playing in the baby pool. Yes, the dogs continue to drive me insane getting up several times a night to go out or barking at squirrels and shedding so much our living room looks like a dog groomers unless I vacuum everyday. Sage is getting more odd lumps and bumps and tumors and might not be long for this world (is it bad my fingers are crossed?) but he has been a good dog to Brian for 10 years and even though he drives me nuts we'll miss him when he goes to doggy heaven. Ollie, on the other hand is just as bad and is only 4 years old, sorry Heff!