Week in Review


We had a good week last week welcoming in the warmer weather - I live for summer!!!! 

Tuesday night was the school talent show for Francie. But of course we did Frozen braids all around ;) she performed Let It Go with 15 other kinders. Borrowed a real Anna costume from the neighbors complete with boots. It was amazing ;)


I totally successfully embarrassed Francie for the first time. She didn't want me to walk her to her classroom because "I looked weird" in my target shorts overalls. Yesssss. 


This was the first face until she felt bad and smiled ;)


And Wednesday after school Maisie and I had a sushi boat lunch date we'd been talking about. Fun to have one on one time with her. 


And Thursday night we had a fun dinner at my parents with out BFF neighbors the Carter's. Sidecars in the sideyard! Loved these girls. 


All of them! And they love Gramparey and Jerry Carter. Spoil them rotten. 



How cute is Carter Jeanne!?


And chef Tyler got back from his wedding - all married up! He is always so sweet with the girls. Sam is a lucky girl and you guys will be great parents someday!!


Speaking of parents... I love hoe my friend Emily jokes Francie always looks like a Teen Mom toting around her sisters ;)


They love their big sissys. 


Maisie begged me for this "running shirt" on our Old Navy run this weekend to go with her running shorts. Looks like a mini marathoner ;)
