Happy Mom


Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!! We had a mellow weekend at home with our family, just about my favorite way to spend a weekend. Work has been crazy with the busier, warmer weather and managing everything so it was a nice respite. Friday night we had a BBQ at Jannie and Grandpa's with our extended family and lots of cousins  (why didn't I take pictures!?) and the pizza oven was back in business.

Francie pulled another tooth out at Jannie and Grampa's! Third one - she's really motivated by that tooth fairy visit :)


and the girls got to sleepover at Jannie's. Spoiled little girlies! They sleep in my old room, that is still "Baby Ann's" room now :) so cozy - nothing better than Jannie's beds.


My baby sister Ann was home all week with Baby Brennan. Maisie LOVES baby holding. 


I'm a lucky girl to have these four little ladies calling me MOM. A very thankful Mom this Mother's Day for all the blessings I have. 


getting ready for a swim - loving the warm weather 


tiny wasn't very happy Dad took her swim cap


and JJ. Oh JJ. Wearing layers of non-matching swim clothes. And floaties. And a baby ring. And a swim cap. 


Saturday afternoon Uncle Donald, Aunt Kat, Oliver and Lauren came over to visit since they were in town - pizza for lunch and cousin fun!


and Sunday we hung around the house all day - I got some sitting in the sun time in, some guilt free book reading, breakfast and lunch made for me and a princess balloon from Safeway. Oh and Tess barfed all over me on the way to bed reminding me I will miss all these things about this time in our life and being a mom to these little girls!


Happy Mother's Day!! The best part of Sunday was seeing my own mom - the girls light up for their Jannie (as we all do!) and she is such an awesome example of being a selfless, generous, always thinking of others, FUN mom. We love you Jannie!!



Mother's Day breakfast - scrambled eggs, sausage, toast and OJ.  And Heff made my favorite spicy curry for dinner - so yummy. And the girls look thrilled of course :)
