
Our neighbors that moved into our old house have FOUR girls just like we do.. and they are all stair-step ages, we've got every year covered for 8 years!! They are the most easy-going, laid back family, we love having them as our neighbors and are so lucky they moved in. In the picture above they are lined up in age order: Sierra 7, Aurora 6, Francie 5, Maisie 4, Loralei 3, Janie 2, Marin 1 and Tessa 0 (sneaking in the middle with her buddy Maisie). It's CRAZY... but just going to be crazier when they are 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12 and 11!!!

The kids were all playing in the front yards so the parents convened to drink our beers and get ready for dinner... we eventually gave up and merged dinners. I put snacks out for the kids and they devoured like little vultures :)

Dinner crew - then dance party!