Rebuilding Together Day

National Rebuilding Day... before and after:

This year we sponsored a Rebuilding Together - "National Rebuilding Day" project and helped rebuild a sweet little lady named Lily's home. Brian has been very involved with this organization for a long time and since we met each other at their big fundraiser event (the Playhouse Auction) it's a cause near to our hearts! Lily was a homerun project. She was very deserving, having lived alone for 30 years since her husband died, and her home needed some TLC. Brian worked on a lot of it beforehand (building IKEA cabinets all weekend while I was out of town, you know that's dedication!) and then the last Saturday in April we worked with our favorite builder Cody Brock and brought our H & H Company employees and friends together to help rebuild Lily's home. It was an amazing day for this lady!

A little video we made about the project that we showed live at the Playhouse auction this year... thanks to Ali of The H & H Company for all the hard work to put this together!

Rebuilding Together Peninsula, National Rebuilding Day 2013 from The H&H Company on Vimeo.

This is Lily's sweet neighbor Lisa who nominated her

team sister-sister (Alicia runs The Makery and Marissa will run The Botanist!) working hard


my hardworking husband

Lily's house before - the morning of April 27

and after!

kitchen - before and after

backyard spruce up

and the front walk - overgrown with juniper (before)

and after the amazing work of Marisa (the Manager at The Botanist, come check it out when we open next month!)

sweet Lily - a very grateful, happy recipient

love this lady!

Sunday finish work by our big helpers