Crazy town + Scarlett = the best kinda crazy!


We love our crazy life with these four girlies! Our house is usually loud, messy chaotic and... crazy. Just the way I love it! And we get to add to the craziness by having adorable smily SCARLETT here everyday while Auntie Emand Uncle James are hard at work! Scarlett likes to socialize and so she comes to our house with her nanny to hang out with her cousins... it's a circus but we are so blessed to have cousin time everyday with this sweet girl. 


Uncle James hung out in DTLA with us one day - babies in PLAY (when ABA was here too!) 


and we joke Martin who runs Red Racer (and used to be the Bumble barista) looks just like James - only edgy :) here are the twins meeting in person for the first time after we told them both 100 times they look like each other.


Spanish music class at PLAY - Tiny and Scar.


and we all went up to Kinder assembly one Friday - I had Scarlett in the Ergo and Heff was holding Tiny for a minute, parents were very confused :) Scar loves her Emmy!


Sweet girl! thanks for hanging out with us - and thanks Em and James for braving traffic to get the girls together everyday!! #cousinlove
