Girls Lately - October 2013

These crazy girls! Just catching up on some of the latest of the craziness. Dad took the picture above (it's his new screensaver) after a chalk paint Sunday when Mom was at the flea market. 

and tiny in her ADORABLE sweater JP from The Makery made for her - it's amazing!!

JJ gets to hang out with Tess all day while big sisters are at school - she likes to play protetive big sis

but Maisie is the most maternal and protective of Tiny Tess, she looooves her little buddy baby

Maisie and I went to say hi to Francie at her lunch table after she started full days in October - she gets pretty excited about hot lunch!

and I helped out in Francie's classroom one day for the STEM lab (science, technology, engineering and math) and the Kinders were way better than I was at programming the BeeBots

Maisie and JJ sleeping in the same bed lately - sometimes all three do

talks with my big girl before bed time

and Tiny looking pretty proud of herself when she saw herself on Sf Magazine for the first time!!

Francie and Maisie are doing ice skating with Jannie once a week at Winter Lodge - they are only slightly obsessed


checking out Jannie and Grampa's kitchen remodel - in progress!

I remember this look when we restored this old house growing up :) good to see those bare timbers again! can't wait for the new kitchen....

silly kids ready to swim 

and one day Dad was hunting, Mom whimped out on our walking to school and drove - it was cold.

they are crazy - and that's why we love them!