The Baby is... a Big Sister!

Emmy and I had some fun in the "photo studio" we set up at PLAY yesterday while the big girls were at preschool. JJ was a ham but was more interested in Baby Tessa than looking at the camera - she still seems like my baby but looks like a giant next to Tess!

JJ is still a blue eyed baby

Tessa is wearing a little blue bubble suit that was mine when I was a newborn and Janie is wearing Emmy's little pink sailor dress!

I stayed close to interfere in the "baby! tiny! eye!" pokes :)

That's JJ - always on the move!

Looking like a big girl, and finally getting some hair

Love seeing you step into your role as a big sister JJ! Every morning when we come in your room you are sitting up playing in your crib and you yell "BABY!? TESSA! SEEEE!!" and then you insist on climbing on my lap to hold her or bringing her her "own binky" or the goose (it's a duck) lovie :) We are proud of you Big Sis JJ!