Maisie is a Two-Wheel Girl!

Check out this big girl on a big girl bike! Heff took her out a couple of times when I was in the hospital as a Dad date and she got the hang of a two-wheeler like a pro - well granted the falls still happen but she cries, gets back up and pedals off through her tears. She is so cute to see zipping around the park on a bike. She's a speed demon and COMPETITIVE with her big sister! "Gagee wait don't pass me I'm LEARNING!" as she takes the lead.

Dad got her a new special purple bike just her size after she mastered the "squeaky bike" (little French vinatge 2-wheeler I got awhile back = totally cute, not super functional :)

and they're off

I stopped to help but she won't have any of it

sooo proud of herself. We are too Maisie Moo

Big Sis - after tormenting her for a few rounds passing her like lightening, she wised up and let Maisie "be in front"

Good sister France

Meanwhile Janie has a monkey-grip on the zip line - she could do this all day

and pushes her Dad on the swing "HOOPER HIGH!"

This was about 30 seconds before Janie got side-swiped by Francie's swing accidentally - she hit the ground HARD poor thing!

Little Miss FIVE ;)

Minor fall - excuse for a water break (they fill their own water bottles ceremoniously for the electrical taped on water bottle holders)

The end of this bike ride - TIRED girls trying to pass each other on a sidewalk = disaster. They both fell, cried and blamed each other. I half tried to intervene with Tessa in a wrap and Brian says "Mare what are you doing? Take a picture!" HAHA sorry girls. Get up and get back on the horse!