
Just some pictures from the last week of life lately!....

Maisie the hunter - went to the bow and arrow shooting range with Dad Saturday afternoon and hiked the entire 2 mile trail with him - even hit the targets most of the time! She was so proud of herself and Heff couldn't be much happier this sidekick loves her bow

As usual having too much fun with Emmy

my biggest little stinker

Farm School chickens - still Francie's favorite

Olympic spirit has hit our house - we've been making air pop popcorn at night and watching some gymnastics/diving/volleyball/track. Go USA!

Francie doesn't joke around, serious watching the competition

Still perfecting their beam Dad built - the girls play "gymnastics and judges" all the time

Generous with that "5" Maise :)

Francie's retribution

Maisie with a 12-18 month outfit - love the tongue stuck out for concentration

beam routine

All's well that ends well

JJ prefers the "hamut" and bike!

Maisie and I had a weekend mom-Maisie trip to run some errands - it's always fun to get one-on-one time

triple kid tower

Emmy and JJ at the park!

We had a cupcake decorating picnic with the neighbor kids on the front lawn one afternoon


little bed head Maisie after her nap :) her hair is still "short" but cute and pixie - although she says "mom my hair is SO long now it's almost like Tangled!"