First Day of Preschool

We've had a busy, crazy week - and the girls started preschool yesterday!! Maisie and Francie are both going together to the same preschool five days a week - Francie was ready for her "TK" (transitional kindergarden) group and Maisie was a little timid but seems to be jumping into her three's group like a big girl. It's a big change for us from our no-schedule daily routine!! But I think it will be good for both of them and we love the little school they get to go to. The girls picked out their outfits Sunday night and jumped out of bed early Monday morning to get ready with dad - breakfast and hair brushing then off to school!!!

Morning eggs and OJ - Francie is wearing the dress I wore to the first day of Kindergarden - only it was a little short so she picked striped leggings!

Meeting up with their friend Chase at his house on the walk to school

Might be my favorite picture - cute dads checking in the windows after they dropped off the kids :)

We picked them up at 12:15 and they were all smiles - Maisie was TIRED" but then they got to play together at recess and Gaga helped her on the monkey bars.

She came right home, ran in, grabbed her binky and "softs" (combo of soft pillows and soft blanket) and fell asleep on the couch within 5 minutes!