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The big girls went fishing with Dad two times while we were in Black Butte - Francie is "hooked" :) on fishing! Maisie had fun but said she didn't need to go back the next day.

All geared up ready to go

I like Maisie's thinking - lounging and catching some rays while everyone else catches the fish.

Big kids. NINE fish!

Uncle Donald and Oliver went along in their row boat too

Excursion 2 - Francie and Isabel went with Heff at 6am!

Post fishing popsicles

and even JJ got to go on the trip to the Fish Hatchery - then the little store for Dips and push ups

Sister in law trip into town for some shopping and lunch one day - 4 moms and 4 baby girls piled in Kat's Suburban (Sarah, Janie and I in the back row)

Pool time at the awesome kids pool at Glaze Meadow

Oma made Grandma Heffernan's Popcorn Cakes

Francie helping Dad gut the fish - doesn't mind it one bit :)

Maisie the photographer took this one while she was "babysitting" Lauren - love the composition Maisie!

Kids and Uncle Dan's famous Jello Boats (one day we'll have to check to make sure we don't have 23 teenagers making jello 'shots'!)

Gimme that fish France.

and Oma sent me some great shots of the Grandma Day Care day while the adults all geo-cached. Pretty impressive feat to watch 18 of the kids for 3+ hours! They did art projects like decorating duckies to race them in the stream and colored big castles and rocke ships in the backyard. FUN for kids and thanks for the break Oma, Lala, Bob and Barbara!

Until next year Black Butte and all our cousins... can't wait to do it again!

Heading home. back in the carseats!


11 hours and only TWO road side stops - (besides a side of the road pee break) We made sandwiches at this little park right before we crossed the Oregon border back into California. It's one of our favorite stops, right on the river.