2012 Annual Heffernan Round Up

We had an awesome week at Black Butte Ranch again this year for the Annual Heffernan Reunion! Although it's now been dubbed a Round-Up partly because there are so many of us and partly because getting together for an entire week of activities doesn't really qualify as a "reunion" anymore :)

We drove up Friday and hit BBR at 7pm for soup dinner at Uncle Bob and Aunt Francy's and spent the whole week with 23 cousins and lots of fun aunt's and uncles. We rented our own house this year with Brian's cousin Bill and Anne and their kids but it was right across the street from Bob's and everyone else's houses were close too.

The kids got filthy on a daily basis, stayed up late with cousins and slept well all night on the floor. It's always a fun week - hard to believe we packed this all in a week looking back at these pics...


We started Saturday morning with Junior Olympics - Aunt Francy lead the way organizing and Aunt Tricia sponsored the Olympic team t-shirts.

We had about a dozen rounds of events and everyone came out a winner with a gold medal!

Relay Race first

I was red team captain and had to help JJ along :) but she got it pretty quickly!

The little dude Oliver (he's a kid not a toddler!) and Kate helping Maisie run for the yellow team

JJ and I in the boot race

Gearing up for the sack race

The bigger kids rocked it

The little kids got a "carry the sack" dispensation

Maisie and her buddy Kate on the egg walk

Francie went for slow-and-steady-wins-the-race

and JJ football carried the egg :) This was relaxed competition - we'll wait until they get older to institute rules :)

Go Red Team!

Tug-o-war got serious :)

and what are Olympics without a bean bag toss?

and then it digressed to water "sports"...

or just the squirt Uncle Ducky game

then Paulina Pool time - the Kevin Heffs

Baby holders and Doug

Sista Sista


And Sunday was the Annual In-laws vs Out-laws Softball game!

Kids occupy themselves in the sandbox/playground and only very pregnant women are excused (got the nod this year :)

establishing strict ground rules

Sunday night dinner at Bob and Francy's for a Sirloin Tip BBQ (I think all my pics are Instagrams :)


Monday was the "HUGE" Heffernan Ultimate Geocaching Event! I was too busy being competitive to take pictures :) We searched the ranch for geocaches from 9am-12pm while the grandma's watched 19 children... and then had chair massages and lunch waiting at Bob and Francy's for the Geo-caching awards ceremony - sad to say we did not defend our 2011 title this year! It all came down to a geocahche hidden under a port-a-potty we actually lifted up twice and did not find.. big point value and we had to give up on that one - cost us the trophy :)

Then Monday night Mexican Fiesta night at Pat and Tricia's... as usual just feeding kids!

These two are never far apart and usually cracking each other up

and as soon as the golfers cleared out (maybe a little prematurely twice) the kids took over the fairway for some Simon Says

my favorite Janie pressing the shutter button shot - there were a few of these :)

My cute husband who got me into all this craziness!

Kids everywhere

So we were assembling en masse like this for a group photo - when golfers showed up on the tee! Rude awakening on the course - we cleared out :)

better shot off the course - here are all the Heffs!

from the back - Tricia made these cute shirts too that each had the number on the back for the order in which each person entered the family. Tom is Number 1! Brian was number 7 since we was born before Pat and John married Tricia and Barbara. It was fun to see everyon'e "place"!

JJ was 51! with four more baby girls after her

Heff and I with Baby J - t-shirts not so flattering on pregnant bellies :)

The Four Heffernan brothers and their lovely wives

TUESDAY was hanging around the houses and a trip to Glaze Meadow pool for most of the morning...

Reunion paraphernalia

A congrats to Anne on getting tenure song and dance routine coreographed by Aunt Francy. Practice....

and the show :)

usual chaos



Dinner at Pat and Tricia's house again for Tricia's yummy food and BBQ. Oma got the kids matching outfits of course and we lined them up for obligatory photos (although almost ran out of big kids to hold babies this year)

Family photos... The Heffs

The Doverspikes (Brian's sister Kat and co)

The Matthews (Brian's sister Maureen and co)

The Mark Heffernans

The Craig Heffernans

Oma and the three newest baby girls - Molly, Lauren and Ilona

All the Tom Heffernans!

Love these two - Care-la and Maisie Moo


and Thursday night was Slider Night by Kat and Donald and the big Camp Talent Show!

JJ even joined in

The babies - not too sure about all this... welcome the the Heffernan clan! :)