Full Term Baby Waiting

Jannie brought the girls this cute book we read tonight...

We are over the 37 week mark and getting ready to hopefully add a new baby to this family very soon! I LOVE this time in pregnancy for so many reasons and at the same time it's the hardest part. I have been overdue by 8-9 days every time (except Francie who was breech and 4 days early by c-section) so we probably won't get to meet this baby until 41 weeks but there's always hoping :)

always fun to see this on the iPhone pregnancy app countdown :)

I love -
*thinking that really this baby could come at ANY time (even though I know it's unlikely - you know there is always a chance!) It's so exciting everyday thinking it could happen anytime and COULD be very soon we get to meet this little baby!
*feeling the baby kick and roll around all day and night and putting my hand on my belly to feel little knees and elbows moving around. Maisie likes to sit on my lap while we read books and feel the baby kick her back - she cracks up every time :) This one is crazy, more kicky than any of the other girls were.
*wondering if it will be a boy or a girl - making sure we really picked the right names with Heff - thinking about how this baby will have it's own personality to add to the mix in this family!
*getting excited for that squishy little newborn, bottle it up smell and good excuse to hibernate at home with a new baby!!
*getting ready for labor - I know it's a "pain" and everything but I love being in the hospital to have a baby - it's such a cool experience to go through with Heff and to get a little baby to take home at the end!

I don't love
*heartburn - TG for Tums
*insomnia - heartburn doesn't help it ;) This season of TLC doesn't help either (I mean between Honey BooBoo, Brittany and Abby return and the Amish show - killing me!)
*sore bones and muscles, getting worn out carrying the girls around
*waddling around like a penguin!

The first 6 months I was thinking it's a girl - but lately I feel like it has to be a boy (I've thought boy every time- obviously no maternal instinct on the sex of the baby here!) But this baby is really active and a KICKER and feels like it has to be a bigger baby than the girls. It is taking up a lot of room in there and my belly is way bigger than even before, even with 3+ weeks left. (ask Jannie - she reminds me "you're huge! let me take a picture of that belly and text it to Ann!" all the time :) But Heff actually thinks boy now and he's been RIGHT every time... either way it will be a big surprise again, my favorite kind.

I snuck in to check on my big babies tonight since I couldn't sleep - couldn't resist an instagram of the snoozers and a fuzzy self portrait belly shot :) I love Francie with her new Donkey Steif from jannie's NYC trip, Maisie sleeping on the covers so she doesn't have to make her bed and she gets hot like her dad, and JJ with her favorite doll-doll in the same sleeping position - I tempted fate getting this one of J with a flash!)

And I wouldn't exactly say we are ready for this baby quite yet :) No hospital bags packed here or bassinets set up to welcome a baby but we've got size 1 diapers I accidentally ordered on Amazon a few months ago tucked in the laundry room and just a few bins of baby clothes lying around. I did buy a new hospital gown - my favorite Dear Johnnie in a new print so I can tell which baby was which in the hospital pictures :)

So we've got a couple things to check off the to do list in the next few weeks but I love going to bed every night thinking this COULD be the night I get to meet this new little baby boy or girl!!

Fun to remember meeting our girls...

Francie 9-18-07

Maisie 4-18-09

Janie 2-18-11

Who are you... and when you arrive number four?!...