Oregon Hunters are Back!

The girls and Heff landed safely home about 10:30 last night. After a 10.5 hour drive Maisie said "that was short!" They love their road trips, especially with Dad :) As you can see above they stopped at "Burger Queen" and then "Carl's House" (aka JR) as the girls call it for lunch and dinner. Quality roadside stops!

Oregon was too-much-fun. Oma took great care of the kids while the dads hunted 3:30am-lunch time, they all had lunch at the ranch house, napped and went back out at dusk while Oma feed the troops. This was a bow-and-arrow hunt which is pretty tricky- no big elk or deer on the ground but they are there for the adventure more than the kill so Heff had a great time... his favorite part was sharing it with his big girls :)

Oma and "Uncle Stevie" (Donald's brother Steven) scoping for elk, deer and coyotes of course

Buzz Lightyear with Binoculars.

another shot of the coyote who found it's end thanks to Uncle Stevie. I asked Francie about it and she goes "Well. You see mom - the coyote was after the baby calves on the ranch. And you can't have a coyote killing baby calves or Uncle Ducky wouldn't make any money. Does that make sense?" Got it France.

Dirty truck, 2 Yeti coolers, well run 4-wheeler, girl in a dress with a pink bunny suitcase. Just the usual :)

Love these poses at the Riley General Store showing off their new pink camo hats!