Janie the "Only Child"

Big girls were on a hunting adventure to Oregon with Dad this weekend so Janie was living it up as the one and only! Lots of time with Jannie and Grampa and ABA was home for a quick visit too! It's like being on a retreat only having one baby - especially one who sleeps in until 10am and naps for 3 hours. JJ and I are well rested and ready for our big girls and Dad to come home!


Friday night we went to dinner at Harry's Hofbrau with Janie and my parents... then hung out at home for a bit. She had them wrapped around her finger singing songs

Stripey girls - JJ loves her GG!

and Saturday night Janie and I went to some friends' house for a BBQ - she was running around like a wild child til 10:30pm - we had a fun night out!

Sunday night ABA and Pat were home! We all went out to dinner with James, Em, Jerry and my parents for sushi but before we left JJ got in some apple picking with "GiGi" (what she calls Jannie) at her house

ABA home Sunday and Monday!! Always so fun to see my sister

Goddaughter love - Em and James also just found out they are having a GIRL! If we have a girl it will mean Ann and Pat have NINE nieces between them. That's a lot of pink... I am thinking this is a boy since it feel like a bigger baby and kicks so much but I'm always wrong!

Monday lunch and downtown shopping with Ann, Emmy, Jannie and JJ

Aw little snuggler - it was pretty funny she was so snuggly and content on Jannie, we actually started to worry something was wrong since she NEVER does this. Jannie handed her to me to take her sweater off and perk her up and of course she was fine, just not usual busy busy Janie behavior!

Morning reading in the playroom in my favorite hand-me-down PJs

and this was from Thursday night before Francie and Maisie left... Janie wakes up every time and says "Gagee?! Beezy?!" She misses sissys!!!