Crazy Girls

These girls just crack us up lately - Janie is such a talker now and says the funniest things, her big sisters love to make her say things and then they just crack up and tell her she is hilarious - to which Janie follows with a fake, open mouth laugh. She wants to "Show, show" you everything and does any song you ask her to sing - as long as it's a one word song. Her favorite is the "Bagel, Bagel, Bagel" song where she shakes her head or the "booty- booty - booty" song while she wiggles around when the girls suggest she "shake her booty!"

"In the picture above they made a "nest" - made JJ sit on a log in the middle of it and told her it was a JJ Trap. Janie is reaching out saying "hold you! hold you" for us to pick her up like she can't get out :) at least she plays along!

She used to be scared of the cats when they touched her (or crack up laughing at least) but now she picks up the smaller one and carries it by the middle, head or by one leg. Love Ziggy's face....

Wonder where she learned that? That cat's expression looks like a cartoon - "what next?"

Wednesday was Pink AND Purple Day with Emmy since school was out for parent-teacher conferences - woo-hoo! Heff and I had fun hearing what their new teachers thought about the girls (Francie is the "gentle, motherly leader of the group" and Maisie finds her independence but asks to "see Francie" a lot too :)

Monday Heff was SICK so I got the girls to school in the morning - right on time! :)

Sunday morning breakfast chaos - french toast and fruit by Mom (this was when Heff started feeling sick so I was on breakfast duty!) 

Lunch and lounging with my big girl while the littler girls napped

Bedtime photo by Janie :)

Tuesday night Clara and Caroline were over with Uncle Mark for dinner while Aunt Sarah was traveling for work. 4 babies in a boat!


Farmer's Market snow cones - lining up to pay

a Maisie edit of her bed :) she LOVES her bed

my cute crazy girls at bedtime!