Road Trip Weekend

We were supposed to be gone this past week/weekend but ended up sticking around so had no plans all weekend - so we decided to jump in the car Friday afternoon and hit the road! Summer road trips are the best :) We went up to Red Bluff Friday night and arrived just after Kat and Donald were getting home from Oregon too so we stayed up late catching up and then Saturday morning we moved some carseats to make room for Oma and drove up to Lake Almanor to check out the lake for the day. We had lunch at the Pine Shack in Chester, drove around the lake checking out houses, drove through to scout out some good campsites, played in Battle Creek and made our way back to Red Bluff for dinner. 

road trip warriors Friday 5:30pm headed north- off like a dirty shirt we say :) 

pit stop to wash the windows - there was a CRAZY storm of bugs we drove through on I5 and when we stopped at Chevron there were 10 other cars doing the same thing, one guy gets out of his car, looks up at the massive swarms of tiny bugs in the gas station lights and goes "SWEET JESUS!" - good excuse for girls to learn to wash a windshield

arrival in Red Bluff 10pm - Maisie holding Lauren - she's so cute and so big already!

next morning in Red Bluff - the girls saying bye to Lauren before we take off

Saturday lunch break at the Pine Shack just before Almanor- corn dogs, burgers and shakes. 

Hitting the lake!

Janie ready for a boat ride (she scraped her nose at the park last week - taking all my willpower not to pick the scab :)

Mom and JJ

Battle Creek bathing babes

Big girl Francie leading the way

Rock thrower

Piggy back on dad - rocking nothing but Keens

and stealing Dad's hat :)

after dinner while we had a little sunlight left Heff was shooting his bow in the backyard and shot one arrow in the target, then the next hit the exact spot and pierced the arrow fusing the two together. pretty cool!!

Sunday morning egg collecting

on the road again! 

 on the way home stop at the Nut Tree. Francie polled everyone for the first half of the drive "Ok - Mom/Maisie/Dad - what is YOUR opinion on where we stop for lunch?" and then "ok I will take all of your opinions and then I'LL decide."  Good thinking France. 

Choo Choo train ride after Rubio's lunch at the nut tree -