Red Bluff Rodeo Weekend

Even though we left without Ollie we had a great Rodeo weekend in Red Bluff. It was 90+ degrees so we didn't actually make it to much of the rodeo besides the midway games and booths Sunday morning for corndogs and shaved ice :) The highlight of the trip was that we got to meet Molly Matthews - the newest cousin! She is adorable and we all got lots of baby snuggling time hanging out at Oma and Opas with everyone but the Craig Heffs there (we missed you!) Red Bluff by Instagram:

6 big cousins and a little Molly at 9 days old

Francie holding the new baby 

Maisie was pretty excited for a turn too

The girls, hot, sweaty and taking a snack break in the shade

Francie and Kate

Janie claiming her right to enter the Kids Only Zone

Snuggling poor little Maisie when she got sunscreen in her eyes

and trading her out for some Molly time (I hadn't moved much)


Chillin out for some movie time in the AC (Ice age appropriately)

Janie getting some love on Ollie

Our last picture of Ollie. :(

Don't even think about it :) We killed some time before the Rodeo opened Sunday morning by taking the kids to the pet store. This was the only doggie there thank goodness. And the girls didn't even ask if we could take home the 14 foot pythons in the store.... weird.

Oma and Oliver checking out the guinea pigs that run around in crazy circles like Oliver when he's excited :)

Maisie has crazy faces :)


Heff and Mark backpacked the baby girls on two different hikes by the river. Janie makes him stop and pick up flowers so she can toss them back on the ground. But when you ask her "Did you have fun on adventures with Daddy?" She nods furiously YES with a little smirk - already knows a good thing!

Ellie deserves the strongest cousin award. Pulling the horse poop cart full of kids ATTACHED to the pony pull cart full of kids. UPHILL. 


Good morning! All tuckered out.

Rodeo Fairgrounds - the bounce houses weren't open yet so Francie settled on riding the bull - Cowgirl Up!

Corndogs and Watermelon Icee's in the shade

See you next time Red Bluff! (this was driving up there but I love the hand holding) Car trips with the girls lately have gone like this... Janie konks out in the driveway heading home. Maisie about 30 minutes later. Francie 30 minutes later. And we have 10 minutes of peaceful, no-reaching-back-for-whatever-they-need-or-don't and country music until J wakes up! She is not a long distance car sleeper - but they are all good travelers usually we can make it with no stops.