Ode to Ollie

We are all sad to lose our little buddy Ollie. He was a quirky dog but he was a good dog for our family. Ollie was very protective of the girls but was very tolerant of their pulls/pats and rides. He went crazy when he saw or heard another dog on TV, he loved to chase and try to eat water out of the hose or where ever he could get it, he barked at any dog who walked by "his" sidewalk and he would burrow down in the covers to snuggle up if anyone would let him. He slept in the girls room at the foot of their bed and was a very patient dog to three busy girls. Ollie was only 9 but he'd been losing weight and seemed to be getting "old." You had a good life Ollie - thanks for 9 years!

One of our favorite Ollie stories was when were in Red Bluff and he chased a squirrel INTO the burn pile! Scorched whiskers and nose but no worse for the wear

He was still a little guy when I met Brian! I got Ollie down in the dessert when I was playing polo - we had a Jack Russell growing up and my friend had a litter of Jack Russell pups so I took one home :) Ollie was a good dog to me for a couple years before I met Brian! He used to ride around in the car on my lap and come with me to polo to ride my horses.

Brian had a dog when we met too - good old Sage - Sage and Ollie became fast friends and were fat and happy together on McKendry Ave

When we brought Francie home from the hospital Ollie was relegated to outside for a few hours with Sophie (and Sage but Sage probably didn't care!) but then was a good protective dog to the new baby

He gained some LB's after we had Francie! All those Cheerio's on the floor :)

and then Little Maisie was his buddy from the start

Ollie was there to pack up our old house and move into our new one

Wow - not his best stage of weight gain but Francie is helping his cause with a "not-her-best-photo" either!

Maisie (so little) "walking" Ollie when we moved to the new house before we fenced the front yard

This is how we would find Francie at night sometimes :)

and he'd curl up on the couch with Maisie every chance he got

and he'd manage to get in just about every picture we took

We would usually take him up to Red Bluff and he LOVED life on the farm. He'd run all over the place and then put himself to bed all tuckered out. We took him up this weekend and he lived it up. Janie getting her last pat-pats with Ollie up in Red Bluff on Saturday

Ollie had a GREAT last day at Oma's running around like crazy, jumping in the water troughs, chasing the chickens and playing with all the kids. He had been having some paralysis problems even at home sometimes and he must have done something to his spine digging in the mud, he couldn't walk anymore on his back legs so we gave him a bath and let him snuggle in his bed

Then we took him to our friend Dr Weber (a vet) and he put him down peacefully on the tailgate of his truck. Francie said her goodbyes but didn't want to watch it happen.

We buried Ollie in the orchard where Brian buried his childhood dogs and one of my horses is buried. Brian dug a deep hole and we saved his collar but buried him in his bed. The girls helped make a cross and a heart with his name out of sticks.

The saddest part was driving home from Red Bluff without Ollie and JJ was yelling "Ay-yeee! AY-YEE!" and looking up to see if he was sticking his head over the seat like he usually did.

We will miss you Ollie!!