Red Bluff Easter

We were in Red Bluff for a long weekend - Thursday to Monday - for Easter with the Heffernans! Only about half of the crowd was there but it was a really nice weekend relaxing at Oma and Opas. Kat and I made our usual trip to Redding for outlet shopping and Target and even got Pedicures at the strip mall nail place - always an adventure :) We were on baby watch since Maureen was due Monday but baby Molly waited to make her appearance!

Janie in the barn- not one bit scared of Paco the miniature donkey

Four-wheeler cart rides by Dad

and again later after hot tub time - Janie's face cracks me up

My big almost 3 year old!

Maisie and her birthday bunny cake. She can be a shy little girl but when all the attention is on her she eats it up. i love her little expressions

BBQ Baby (like this photo of Francie :)

One night we went over to the Flynn's to help celebrate Spencer's 11th birthday - it was great to hang out with them, we don't see enough of the Flynns lately!

Eva and MaryClaire were so sweet giving the little girls pony rides all evening

Toddling out to the orchard

Francie holing one of their TWENTY-ONE barn cats. Wow.

Don't get any ideas girls

JJ loving the pasture

and getting a ride on Stanley the pony!

This dog Lucy looks like our old fat version of Ollie :)

Happy Birthday Spence!

Back at Oma's barn - painfully dirty baby pictures :)

Birthday dinner for birthday girl

my little godson Oliver - getting ready to be a big brother!

Patrick looking sharp in his new tux PJs (redding Gap outlet finds :)

one of the many favorite activities

Go Dad Go

Barn chores (or just making a mess of the chicken coop)

Serious chicken love

I jumped on the back of Heff's four wheel ride to be a tour guide - the kids were cracking up at my attempt to be funny.

cousin love

cute dad ;)

silly, silly girls

"She did it."

Barn playing time with a beer- doesn't get much better!

Francie and Patrick - best buds when the older girls aren't there :) and it helps that Patrick catches the chickens for Francie to hold, he's the expert

"Why doesn't this one GO?"

Not afraid

barn dancing

Easter lunch hunt kids

The big girls Ellie and Kate!

cute recycled egg collectors the Matthews kids made from milk galloons and hot glue

Strike a pose France (forgot to pack their THREE matching easter dresses! But got these rompers at Target Redding that worked even better for running around in the dirt :)

Sugar high kids sharing candy

Doug collecting the REAl eggs in his Sunday best

Lazy mom watching from the swing