Welcome Molly Matthews!!!

Maureen had a healthy baby girl last night at 9:56pm!!

Molly Sarah Matthews (LOVE her name!)

8 pounds 4 ounces ~ 20.5 inches

Big sister Ellie - who was chomping at the bit for this baby to come out so she could hold her! I was almost Ellie's age when my baby sister was born and I remember how much fun it was to help take care of her. Maureen is lucky to have Ellie around. (Kate is looking thrilled ;) I hear she was tired - she'll perk up soon I'm sure)

Patrick will hold his place as the lone Matthew's boy. As of yet no one has a "brother" within the cousins but my guess is Kat has a boy so we shall see!

Happy new family if six! Congratulations Matthews family (PS love your "Girls Can Save the World" shirt Ellie- I agree!)