Just Some Pics

Francie and Maisie fell asleep last night snuggled together sideways on Francie's bed. Big days = tired girls! (They had an Emmy morning and a Jannie afternoon :) We've been busy with more of the usual this week - always fun with these three stinkers!

Walking from our Bumble breakfast with Dad to play at PLAY today they found a dead pigeon (actually two of them) Francie deduced they died from old age. Maisie thinks "I fink maybe her fell?" And Francie is very into all black outfits including the purse (with her money saved to buy a cat - yeah right) lately

Fun with colors in the PLAY classroom

Uncle Craig stayed with us Tuesday night! We had dinner at Bumble with Uncle Mark, Clara and cousin Kevin too. Uncle craziness :)

more playtime at PLAY (just got the AC working in the building - kids were stripping down to undershirts or no shirts earlier this week!) 

Music class with Steve of Orange Sherbet Music for Children - he is sooo good!

more music with Steve

and a good one to end a post with - Heff sent me this while driving up to Red Bluff with the girls. Binky share or bink steal?!