Mount Shasta to Ski

Brian has been bitten by the ski bug with the girls! This weekend he really wanted to take them up to Mount Shasta near Red Bluff and I had a busy day getting PLAY ready Sunday so he packed up all three Saturday afternoon and drove up the Red Bluff! Oma and Kat watched Janie all day Sunday while Francie and Maisie hit the slopes with their Dad.

Here is Heff's iPhone video of "I like to go fast" Maisie and cautious working-on-her-turns Francie

apres ski

and while the big girls were on the mountain JJ got to go on a run with Aunt Kat and Oliver in Kat's new double BOB - just breaking it in before their new baby comes in May!

back at Oma's - Ellie, Kate and Patrick came to hang out - the girls couldn't be much happier. (Ellie, Kate and Patrick are waiting for a new brother or sister to arrive in a few weeks too - it's baby crazy for Heffernan siblings!)

and Oma was giving special Sherman rides to Maisie

ski bums - I think they're going back!