Happy Thanksgiving!

We are busy getting ready to host Thanksgiving at our new house this year! Everyone is coming over around 2pm and the 22 pound bird should be done by 5 - the girls are planning a Thanksgiving "show" and I'm sure we'll have lots of fun with the family. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Maisie this morning taking good care of Tess while I got ready (the only time Tess has been out of my arms all day - she's a momma's girl). Maisie pulls her on her chest and "shh's" her with the binky until she calms down, better than most adults can do these days!

Our Thankful Tree ready to put the leaves on before dinner

My big girl peeling potatoes while her sisters take early naps so they don't miss the party

Good workers - Dad teasing Francie the whole time they peel all 40 potatoes, she can take it and dish it back at least :)

Trying to set the table with my Ergo'ed bundle

Now that's a Big Bird! on the new BBQ Heff just got set up this morning, down to the wire!