
Tuesday morning I took the big girls and Tessa down to Legoland for a little Mom-adventure (the scales were tipping too much in Dad's favor after the turkey-killing trip) We left JJ at home to hang out with Dad (and Emmy!) since she is such a wild child at this age. Right now we say 3 = 1 in the ratio of which kid is the most work. And she's a still a little lacking in the height department for most of the rides. So off we went for some Legoland craziness with two other families for two days!

I had never been and thought this might be  abad week to pick to go with kids out of school but it wasn't too bad. We went with some friends and had a bridage of three double Bobs and 9 kids total. The girls didn't know until Monday night we were going and were super excited for a big surprise.

First stop - the awesome Stegocoaster in Dino Land - we got to ride in one car (while Tessa napped in the stroller, but she has developed mom-scent and literally everytime I left her with one of our friends who stayed back to stroller-sit, she would wake up screaming as soon as I got 50 feet away! good thing I have nice friends who don't mind holding babies)

The kids all attempted many tries at the Legoland take-your-money-and-run games :) we did score a few prizes but that was mostly when a Dad stepped up to the plate

Maisie Moo enjoying the scenery on the little cars

and a swirly ice cream cone on our way out of the park (they were in cute red and blue dresses when we got there but it was HOT so they trader out for pink Legoland shirts - as long as they stand out in the crowd I wasn't complaining)

Mini-legoville - 2million legos to make cities and little street scapes. Pretty cool but maybe Legoland should have been planned for indoors?? the legos were all so faded from the sun! but still impressive what they can build 

 France and Maise in the shark mouth

I posted that picture above on Instagram and a few minutes later Bethy texted me the one of her and Jill below - SISTERS in the SHARKY! :)

and to the htoel for naps - which didn't really happen since everyone slept for 2.5 minutes on the car ride and then woke up ready to party at the hotel. Double fisting a Corona and POM Margarita was a requirement.

so we wore them down even more in the kiddie pool of course (all asleep by 8:30pm - no surprise)

we tried dinner in the hotel lounge and when their first comment was "those kids can't be here without proper attire" (aka shoes) we knew that was asking for disaster so we found refuge in the basement "Arcade" and ordered room service! I was checking out my competition - Area 151 still cooler but good idea to put this in a hotel! AND best part was Bethy and Greg stopped by to say hi and hang out for a bit!

Morning entertaining Tess while I packed up

and best rent-a-car ever when you have 9 kids and 7 adults - a mini-bus! Still not as COOL as a Sprinter (I know most of you beg to differ on that statement) but it was so easy.

Arriving for a short Day 2 at Legoland (Francie has day old french-braids after swimming and sleeping on them - I did not have enough hands to acomplish a re-braid this morning)

Sea Life exhibit - pretty cool stuff but tight quarters ESPECIALLY for a train of three double-wide BOBs!)


I love how it's an awesome aquarium with random Lego structures in the water. Gotta tie it to the themepark somehow!

We had a mellow Day 2 revisiting our favorite ride, letting the "big kids" go on the super-roller-coaster and then lounging in the sun in Duploville letting the kids play. I had to change tess on the fly in the stroller (bucket seat was also jerry-rigged on a snack bar with the snack tray attached :) and then found my uber-spare onesie in my backpack (yes I have given in to the mom-backpack!) But seriosuly, her Mom is the Bomb right? ;) thanks for the onesie ABA

love this little smile on ya Tess! (but don't love that swollen eye :(

the kids were all relatively well behaved on the trip and no one got "treats" (WHY do they have pure sugar in gross flavors dispensed in 36 inch long tubes at every kiosk there?? so gross!) so they each got to big a real big kid Lego set when we left. They have lines for girls now with horse stables and animal hospitals - make a box purple and the girls go for it.

two pretty happy campers

and this was the drive home - passed out in my rearview mirror!