
I saw a blog awhile ago that had a post titled "Instagram Killed the DSLR-star" totally true! I am taking so many fewer real photos but so many more iphone pictures lately - bad resolution but still good documentation of day by day life I guess.

Catching up on some pics from the past few weeks in the new house... I still can't believe it when we come home we get to live in this cool house :) It has so much character and unique details but feel so cozy and home-like. The girls made an easy transition (not bad when it's just next door!) and I'm looking forward to the rainy weather to get a fire going and cozy up inside. We're still working on a few little things on our to do list to get settled but not much is needed in this house!

first real unpacked, home-cooked dinner in the new house

first night to put the garbage cans out. JJ required a headlamp of course

Pumpkin head saying cheeeeeese

France and the kitty

JJ got a black eye running away from dad and into an iron bed. ouch

Tiny Tess and the Sheehy chin (her nickname has turned into "TINY" - fitting :)

The 20 month old babysitter JJ (first kid to love a swing... thanks for the hand-me-down Donovan!)

and the awesome 3 year old babysitter. Maisie LOVES a baby!

5 year old check up. Favorite part was the eye chart which she remembered from a year ago. (this doctor visit was another time I felt a little nuts with four kids - the nurse and I were getting confused on who needed to go to which room for height/weight, shots, lollipop recovery - good thing we got the shots in the right legs!)

4 kids in a cart and a very nice husband who agreed to go to Traget at 8pm one night :) Francie and my favorite activity

post nap curls

Tessa at the eye doc. She still has a blocked tear duct that might need surgery ;/

Maisie got the cutest pixie haircut from Nancy B ever, it's already been so long since this pic she needs a cut again!

It totally suits her little pixie personality

Maisie Farrow? Christian and LindaBobbi think she looks like Mia Farrow - haircut does!

no love for Dad JJ?!

something about a toddler on the staircase - Heff says he loves the sound of their little stomping feet on the hardwood floors at this house, me too.

Jannie, Tess and I went to the Hillsborough Antique Show and found a few awesome things for the house- Tessa in the Ergo shopping all morning

Craftsman style antiques in good shape and we negotiated prices way down and stuffed them all somehow into a car full of four carseats. Mission accomplished. (stained glass we had - Aunt Nettie made it a long time ago!)

Tessa came with me to our FOURTH annual Witches Night Out! We did it at Christian's new store this year...

Now that Francie has outgrown her nap (80% of the time) she gets to do something fun with me or Jannie sometimes. This day we went to "check on the businesses" as she suggests. Hot choc at Bumble!

Tess gearing up for her 1-3 hour scream fest every night. Just letting off the steam :) Hoping she outgrows her witching hour soon but once she falls asleep she sleeps all night (usually 1am-7am, with maybe eating once and falling right back to sleep and then eats again at 7/8ish and sleeps until 10am - so no complaints!)

we spend a lot of time together - she likes to be right on my chest 90% of the time. not complaining! and just holding her (on my chest right now while I blog :)

daytime version - I love the Moby, and you Tiny Tess!