Baby Shower for Em

Sunday the Carter girls hosted an adorable baby shower for my sister-in-law Emily at their house (conveniently across the street from James and Em's cottage too!) Georgia, Beth and Jill did such a cute job with the decorations, games, food and favors. It was a fun afternoon to celebrate Baby S due at the end of January!

and lots of pictures of the ladies!...

Bethy and the baby - can't wait for Legoland Bethy :)

Crazy JJ spent the afternoon with Grampa/Backwa and Uncle Bill, Jimmy and Mick. Emmy went and got her at the end of shower (3 doors from home!) and she came to hang out. I asked her what she had for lunch with Backwa and she said "Um. EmmyEms and Candy Corn." I asked my dad - did you feed her lunch? and he said "yeah we went to the Oasis and she had two hot dogs and 14 french fries." good counting dad :) And he said "I put $4 in the crane machine but we didn't win a thing." 151 claw = way better!

the girls

Can't wait to meet the new cousin...

Congrats Em!